Without connection 2


SKU: MM2305-1 Category: Tag:


Since networking has a big influence on the artist and his work and on art in general, it is
important to question and analyze ways in which networking occurs and manifests.
Networking has different levels and shapes, and we usually talk about social, political and
professional network. Whatever the form of networking is, it has a great importance for the
artist – sometimes small and sometimes crucial. Networking can have both a positive and a
negative impact, for the artist can act binding and thus restrictive. The questions of networking
in art are especially interesting today, in information- communication era, so this paper
explores how the specific networking affects artists in the present time. Apart from artists who
live and work today, around us, the impact of networking on the artists are analyzed in case of
two great world names – van Gog and Beuys. Networking is analyzed through the author’s
artwork “Without connection or with connection”. It is a series of paintings in space, the
dimensions of each are 100 x 130 cm. Artwork is a figurative abstraction with an assembled
rope and shell. The first part is darker, dramatic, with a sealed shell as a symbol of closeness.
The second part is lighter, cleaner, with the rope passes through, as a symbol of connection.
KEY WORDS: network, networking, art networking, networking in art

Additional information

Dimensions of painting:



Mixed media

Year painted:
